Questions to Ask Your Dentist About Dental Crown Options

Dental Crowns Santa Ana, CA

Dental crowns are a versatile restoration option that general dentists recommend to individuals who have teeth that are in bad shape. As modern-day dentistry has evolved, more and more people are exploring the different available options. When looking into different restoration options, it can be helpful to become familiar with what dental crowns have to offer. 

Options for crowns

Understanding that there are options when choosing dental crowns is essential. Whether a crown is needed for restoration reasons or purely for cosmetic reasons, it is important for dental patients to understand which options are available to them. There are a few different dental materials used to make dental crowns, and each comes with their own advantages and disadvantages. Popular crown choices include porcelain, ceramic and metal fused to porcelain.

How to choose the right crown option

The list below includes a few questions that dental patients can ask a dentist in order to learn more about dental crowns. 

Is a porcelain dental crown an ideal choice for cosmetic reasons?

Many dental patients are looking into their natural restoration options, as having a nice, bright smile is more important than ever. Because dental crowns are custom-made for every patient, the ability to color match to the natural teeth exists. If a patient is in need of professional teeth whitening services, they will need to undergo this treatment first and then have their crowns placed in their mouth. Dental crowns can also change the shape of teeth, allowing for a more uniform looking smile.

Which crowns last the longest?

The longest-lasting dental crowns include metal, gold and zirconia crowns. Metal dental crowns can last upwards of 25 years with proper oral care. Gold and zirconia crowns can potentially last a lifetime. These types of dental crowns are often used on the back teeth, as they are very strong and durable. While metal and gold are two options that are more noticeable due to their color, zirconia crowns better resemble the natural color of one’s teeth.

Is there a limit to how many dental crowns one can get?

There is not a limit as to how many dental crowns one can have placed. Dental crowns can be used for a variety of reasons, which makes them a versatile option for damaged or broken teeth. Individuals that require tooth replacement may benefit from dental crowns combined with bridges or implants, in which case, multiple may be necessary. 

Are there any downsides to certain dental crowns?

Composite dental crowns are typically least favorable among general dentists as they do not last as long as other options. They are usually used for temporary dental crowns, however, they are more affordable, which makes them a common choice for individuals looking to remain budget-friendly. 

Find out more about dental crowns

When looking for more information on dental crowns and the options that come with them, it is best to consult with a general dentist. An evaluation can be done in order to determine the appropriate course of action. Reach out today to find out more or to get started with an appointment. 

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